Wheelchair Users
We can accommodate up to two wheelchairs in The Old Market Hall. We have two optional spaces that can be booked up to 24 hours before the screening commences, subject to availability. Both the wheelchair user and a companion are admitted at half price.
Visual Aids
Programme and general information are available in large print upon request.
Audio Aids
Sennheiser Infra Red enhanced hearing headsets are available in the Old Market Hall to amplify sound for hard of hearing patrons. They can be worn with or without a hearing aid.
Audio Described
Audio Description is a special service for blind and visually imapaired cinema goers. For selected films a narration track is available which can be accessed through special headphones only. This fills the gaps between dialogues by describing what is happening on screen and doesn't affect other spectators experience. Audio Described screenings can be identified with the symbol AD in the film description on our website and in our brochure.
Subtitled Screenings
The Old Market Hall screens films with subtitles for deaf and hard of hearing audiences. We aim to provide at least one Subtitled Screening per month.
Look out for this logo on our WHAT'S ON page to indicate where a Subtitled Screening is available |
What are Caption Subtitles?
Deaf or hearing impaired customers who cannot use our audio aids because of incompatibility with their hearing aid, or due to a greater level of hearing loss, may rely on subtitling to let them 'hear' the film dialogue (in the same way hearing customers rely on subtitles to understand a foreign language film).
These Caption Subtitles provide much more information than standard English subtitles. They also inform the audience when something is sung rather then spoken, when significant music is happening, often providing the lyrics, or of significant sound effects (eg phone rings, doorbell chimes, etc), especially those taking place offscreen.
Are all films available with Caption Subtitles?
Caption Subtitles are available with most, but not all film titles, dependent on the film distributor.